
TRA Launches Probe into Russian Ammonium Nitrate Imports


The Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) has initiated a transition review into an anti-dumping measure on ammonium nitrate from Russia. This review aims to assess whether the existing anti-dumping measure, which was transitioned from the European Union (EU) to the United Kingdom (UK), remains suitable for the UK’s needs.


The anti-dumping measure in question imposes a duty ranging from £24.085 to £27.374 per tonne, excluding other import duties, on ammonium nitrate imports from Russia. This measure is set to expire on 17 December 2025, prompting the TRA to conduct a thorough review to determine its continued relevance.


Ammonium nitrate is a versatile chemical used extensively in agriculture and farming, as well as in various industrial applications, such as the production of explosives for mining purposes. Given its widespread use, the TRA’s review will carefully examine the impact of the anti-dumping measure on UK businesses and industries.


The review will focus on two key periods: the period of investigation (POI), which spans from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024, and the injury period (IP), which covers the period from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2024. These periods will provide the TRA with a comprehensive understanding of the market dynamics and the effects of the anti-dumping measure.


Businesses that may be affected by this measure are encouraged to register their interest through the TRA’s public file by 3 April 2025. Interested parties that register after this date may not be able to participate fully in the review. The TRA invites all relevant stakeholders to contribute to the review process, ensuring that their interests and concerns are taken into account.


As the UK body responsible for investigating unfair import practices and unforeseen surges of imports, the TRA plays a critical role in safeguarding the interests of UK businesses and industries. The TRA’s review of the anti-dumping measure on ammonium nitrate from Russia is a testament to its commitment to ensuring that trade remedy measures are fair, effective, and aligned with the UK’s needs.

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