There is no time, period. Have you ever been to the past or the future? Thought, thought. Asked is thought. No, no, you think of the past, but you think of the past now. Have you ever actually been to the place called the past that you think about? No. It’s not possible. Nobody’s ever been there. It’s a belief. It’s just a belief that we all take for granted. Is it your experience that is moving along a line of time from the past to the future? Is it then moving? And how long does last? It doesn’t last. The now doesn’t last in time. There is no time for it to last in. Now is not a moment sandwiched between these two vast spaces. There are. There is no vast space either side of it. it is not a moment. These are new age ideas. They have nothing to do with truth or reality. it is not a moment. Now is eternity, the ever present, not the everlasting. But when that is filtered through the limitations of the mind, it appears as time. The mind is like a prism which refracts the now, which has no dimensions, into a single dimension of time.
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