
“Slovakia Reports Outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease”

forgiveness project


The recent outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease (FMD) in Slovakia has prompted the UK Chief Veterinary Officer to urge livestock keepers to remain vigilant to the clinical signs of the disease. This outbreak is particularly concerning, given its proximity to the Slovakian-Hungarian border, where three cases have been identified in separate premises housing cattle.


In response to this development, the UK Government has taken proactive measures to prevent the commercial importation of cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, and other non-domestic ruminants and porcines from Slovakia. This includes restricting the importation of untreated products, such as fresh meat and dairy, to protect farmers and their livestock.


Additionally, travelers to Great Britain have been prohibited from bringing meat, meat products, milk, and dairy products from Hungary and Slovakia since March 8. This restriction also applies to certain composite products, animal by-products, hay, and straw.


The UK Chief Veterinary Officer has emphasized the importance of maintaining rigorous biosecurity measures to prevent the spread of FMD. This is particularly crucial, given the highly contagious nature of the disease, which can cause significant economic losses due to production losses and restricted access to foreign markets.


*Clinical Signs of FMD*


Livestock keepers are advised to be aware of the following clinical signs of FMD:


– _Cattle_: Sores and blisters on the feet, mouth, and tongue, potentially accompanied by fever, lameness, and reluctance to feed.

– _Sheep and Pigs_: Lameness with potential blistering.


It is essential to note that horses and companion animals are not susceptible to FMD. However, hay feed or straw bedding sourced from infected areas can act as a fomite and spread the disease.


*Reporting Suspected Cases*


If you suspect FMD in your animals, you must report it immediately to the relevant authorities:


– England: 03000 200 301

– Wales: 0300 303 8268

– Scotland: Your local Field Services Office


Remember, FMD is a notifiable disease, and prompt reporting is critical to preventing the spread of the disease and protecting the health and welfare of your herd.

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