
Marriages to Avoid: 14 Relationship Traps to Watch Out For

marriages to avoid

Fourteen marriages that you should avoid

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number 2 expiry dates marriages. I will marry before 30 and now you are 29 so to make that date you pick somebody.

number 3 rebound marriage boyfriend broke up with you or your girlfriend broke up with you, you want to pepper them.

Number 4 the fire exit marriage they are telling to wash dishes is 24/7 your parents are not giving your rest get married then you find out that you are doing more dishes here

number 5. The sympathetic marriage when you marry somebody out of sympathy marriage is not for sympathy.

number 6 the evangelistic marriage the person is an unbeliever you say I will win him.

Number 7 is the missionary marriage he is a wife beater ahh don’t worry when he is married to me I know how to tame him.

Number 8 the proximity marriage you are always spending time together don’t get married because of accidental pregnancy you will have an accidental marriage.

Number 10 falsely prophesied marriage that one man of God said.

Number 11 financial breakthrough marriage you people have suffered from poverty in your generation you now see somebody who has break through and you marry that person.

Number 12 the parentally manipulated marriage ahh you people look good together,

number 13 the big-name celebrity marriage you married because the person has name.

number 14 the unresearched marriage you don’t gather data while you are dating you see many engagements are not really engagements, they are encagements.

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