
Biohack a Body with sleep

Biohack a Body

How can we biohack a body to live up to that age of 100, to not oxidize, to not age, and to have that longevity? What is your secret? The biggest biohack that you can implement is sleep. Sleep is your biohacking tool. Yes. Not a supplement.

No. Not the red light therapy. No. Not exercise. Exercises. But sleep is number one. Sleep is number one. So I have this framework called Genes, G stands for gut health, E stands for exercise, N stands for nutrition, E again stands for emotional health, and S stands for sleep.

If you are not sleeping, it doesn’t matter how much you exercise, how much good food you eat, you will die early. You will die early and you will die with a lot of diseases. Your single biggest weapon is sleep. Smiling end to end, I’ll tell you also why, because you started your gene with gut health and that’s what I’ve spent the last seven years of my life on.

And I’m glad, you know, life brought me to this because in my 20s, I had chronic insomnia compared to what I was looking at in my 20s. I feel way much younger, stronger, healthier. And I did not know for the longest time that sleep was the way to biohack my body.

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