Death is not the end folks but when you die you want to make sure you’re going to the right place and that’s why it’s so important to make Jesus the Lord of your life because he is the only way to the Father and you could only be saved when you confess with your lips Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead then and only then can you be saved then and only then will you not have to experience hell you will be able to experience heaven with Jesus forever but you have to accept him and you have to obey him and you have to live your life according to him because the road is narrow that leads to eternal life folks and there’s very few on it but wide and broad is the road that leads to destruction and there’s a lot of people on it folks so get on that narrow road but you could only do that by making Jesus Lord and if Jesus is truly your Lord you’ll love him and when you truly love God you’ll obey him so read this word find out about him find out what it means to obey him and live your life according to him folks
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