
Satanism, my journey into it


Had to become a Freemason Because you can’t get involved in Satanism on the hardcore level without first being a Freemason That was my official shrine portrait, which they took as part of my initiation I was ready to become involved in hardcore Satanism. What did that mean? Well, that meant I had to sell my soul to the devil I had to sign my name on the contract in blood. I had to sign my name in the black book The satanic doctrine here is that hell is not what we believe it is or what the Bible teaches it is The satanic doctrine is that hell is this incredible party. It’s like a non-stop all-eternity orgy So you’re you’re smoking dope. You’re fornicating your brains out You’re listening to rock and roll through all eternity and it’s party-hardy time before I could get on to the priesthood of Satanism Excuse me, I had to get seven people to sell our souls to the devil There’s a pyramid scheme down that makes sense The other thing I had to do this might astonish some of you is I had to become a Catholic priest I had to go back to my original vocation Because you cannot be a satanic priest unless first of all you’re a Catholic priest kind of fucking crazy This is an extraction from a two or three hour lecture on YouTube You’ll know more about Freemasonry after watching that two-hour video than most Freemasons. It’s kind of fucking mind-blowing.

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