
Mould: The Hidden Dangers in Your Kitchen


Two foods that commonly grow mould, one is peanuts and one is cooked rice. In 1921, Japan passed the Rice Act. You see, there was an epidemic of cardiac berryberry, which is a heart condition, all through Asia. And so the Japanese government passed the Rice Act in 1921, putting stringent rules on the storing of cooked rice because they found mould waste or mycotoxin was directly affecting the heart. We should eat rice fresh every day. You want to make sushi? Cook the rice in the morning, make sushi for lunch. Some say, what if you put it in the fridge? You can cook it in the morning and put it in the fridge and maybe eat it in the afternoon. And maybe you can cook the rice at night, refrigerate it and have it the next morning, but you never let it go more than 24 hours. It can grow a mould and we can’t even see it. I had a lady to our program who was a pathologist. She said, when I was at uni studying pathology, there were two things that always tested positive for mould. She said it was peanuts and cooked rice.

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