And do you use castor oil for many remedies?
Lots of remedies. Lots of remedies. Great in the eyes.
You know what amazes me? People say, oh, but Barbara, is it safe?
Well, do people ever ask the doctor, is it safe when they’re gonna put a needle in the eye? I would never let anyone put a needle in my eye. Who puts a needle in their eye?
They put needles in people’s eyes to release pressure for glaucoma when all they really need is castor oil?
I have it on right now, my eyes. I use it as an eye cream.
Yeah. I put it underneath my eyes and over my eyelids and my I doused my eyelashes and it’s grown my eyelashes a lot.
Yeah. It does. It does.
One lady told me that she got an empty mascara container and put castor oil in it for her 14 year old daughter, and the eyelashes are getting thicker. Yeah.
It’s a good beauty hack.
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