Law of forgiveness

Law of forgiveness, law of forgiveness simply says that you’re mentally healthy to the degree to which you can freely forgive and forget grievances against you is the single most important to check or determine whether you are a fully integrated, fully functioning adult human being because the tendency to blame and to hold grudges is a childlike pathological, tendency that is possessed by all people who are mentally ill. Now you accept that is true there is four people which you have to forgive

No 1. Is to forgive your parents most of our research shows that almost all of our adults problems trace back to be unwilling and unable to forgive our parents for something that they didn’t that hurt us

No 2. Is forgive others forgive everyone else forgive everyone who has ever hurt in anyway for anything just let it go and some people will say I cant forgive that person because what a terrible thing they did to me remember this that forgiveness is perfectly selfish forgiveness has nothing whatever to do with the other person it has only to do with your peace of mind and with your assuring your own mental integrity.

N03. Forgive yourself, forgive yourself for every wicked senseless or brainless fully stupid thing you ever did, and finally the last part of this is if you have done something to hurt someone else go and apologize it’s amazing how many lives are ruined year after year by people who do not have the intestinal fortitude the guts the courage to go and say I’m sorry.

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